Eric & Jessie’s Wedding

Ok not long ago I had this blog ready to post and somehow in the shuffle of life I forgot to post it… never-the-less I wanted to share a special couple with you.  Starting with several engagement pictures we took this last spring, Eric and Jessie were so much fun to work with. They were… Read more »

A Fun Engagement

I had the privilege of taking Elliot & Jessica’s engagement pictures on a beautiful warm evening last week.  They are getting married on October 30th (My Birthday!!!!!!) It was so much fun getting to know them and hearing their story!  Poor Elliot was such a sport, he’d been up since 1:00 that morning and was… Read more »

A few smiling faces

Hi All! It has  been crazy around here! Alyssa and Holly are going back to school next week and Mandi just got back from photographing a wedding in Las Vegas! (blog post about that coming soon!) But for now, here’s a few smiling faces of some recent work. Everyone meet Kai, Libbie, Jackson, and Jayden!… Read more »

Calling all Seniors: Class of 2011

Attention Underclassmen! Reserve your appointment any time between now and Thursday, August 19th, your pictures will be back by the week of the 23rd.   CALLING ALL SENIORS: Class of 2011 It’s finally your time! Your time to shine and flaunt all of your accomplishments and hard work you have done over the past 3 years! There… Read more »

Jason & Danielle

Jason & Danielle got married on May 22.  The day was bright and warm and minus the few delays with my equipment malfunctions, the day was just perfect.  Thanks for your patience, you were all such great sports!!!!! We enjoyed working with you both and we hope you will enjoy the all the memories.   I… Read more »

Brad & Machelle

Brad & Machelle got married on May 1st,  just a short time ago!  Happy first month of marriage!!!!! Their day had a chance of rain, but turned out very beautiful. The ceremony was located in a small country church outside of Fort Wayne, and the location was great for pictures.  We really enjoyed working with… Read more »

Celebrating Our First Anniversary!!!!!!

I can’t believe how fast a year can go.   Our one year anniversary is on Sunday, May 9th can you believe it.  I feel like the luckiest girl alive, my husband is so wonderful and I am so excited for all our adventures ahead. We broke in early to the cake top that took up space… Read more »

A Few of My Favorites…

Just a few pics from recent sessions that I thought you all may enjoy! We just completed our Spring Quicktakes and it was a great hit, thanks all who participated!  May all my readers have a great Easter Weekend with their families.   

Spring Quicktakes March 25, 26 & 27

Spring, Spring, Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know about you all but I have never before been so ready for spring!!!!!!  We’ve set the dates for our spring quicktakes and then realized that it was spring break for some, which may be good for those who aren’t going out of town, but for those who are we… Read more »

Welcome To The New And Improved Blog…

Ok, I know it has been like forever since I’ve appeared on the blog, we’ve been going though a number of changes at the studio over the last several months so finding time to sit down and post hasn’t been very easy.  I am so excited about the things that have been going on lately… Read more »